Thursday, September 23, 2010

Potty Issues!

So, next time your bathroom starts SMELLING Rotten, you might consider...MOVING YOUR TOILET!

Can you brush your teeth in the sink, wash your hair and use the toilet all at the same time?!!  Efficiency at its finest!
Check out our bathroom... my roommate, Brittany, and I, cleaned our Chinese Toilet from Back-up!

Little Delicacies

So, our town is pretty populated (900,000) but still very small for East Asia. Today, some friends and I ventured into a relatively large city nearby for some delectable delicacies!

Indescribable! First time
I've ever finished a McD's meal!
Apparently, they can't decide either!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

FrEAkY dAy

...Coworker was knocked unconscious, witnessed a wreck, 20 minute traffic jam "police check", had a job interview for a job I already have and was almost deported (over paperwork)!

It's been awhile since I've had one of these, but maybe you can was a pretty Freaky Day today! Starting last night, we're told, "We need to take you (foreign teachers) to get your residency permit tomorrow morning." It's an hour drive to the city from our college; we're told "Dress nice for your job interview (with the government)" for the job we already have!

8am- My coworker, Shanda, slips on the wet bathroom floor, hits her head hard enough to crack the tile step entrance to the bathroom and is knocked out.  Shanda gains consciousness, but goes into shock.  A little while later, we rush her to the hospital, she is cut on her right cheek and chin and severely bruised below her right eye. Cat scan and X-rays were taken. And definitely, She was taken care of well! The doctor on campus insisted she go to the hospital in fear that he would "break" her! The people here think very highly of westerners and certainly a doctor wouldn't dare to risk a medical taboo on one!

10am- On 1 hr drive into city for our govt interview, a large maintenance truck driving 50 yds in front of us looses control of the truck, whips around to face us and cRaSHeS into the side of the underground tunnel. Our van driver slaMS his breaks, the van skids to a screeching halt less within feet of the truck.

10:30- 20 minute traffic Jam "police check" on the road.

2pm- Go to 2nd interview spot, our sweet, kind Asian coordinator walks out of building crying because of a misunderstanding of paperwork and the government has threatened to deport us!

6:20- Finished interviews, got paperwork squared away!

So I guess, from the optimist's perspective, we did have success! Got the residency permit!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


As we were walking to find lunch the other day, we spotted a Pet Shop ahead! Much to our surprise...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not Much Different...

You'll find some of the SAME things in China back in the states...
Ancient Chinese Clock in the Forbidden City, Beijing
(Sun casts a shadow of needle at correct hour)

They're All Here...    

Mexican Food!
Guess what we found here?!!


they Deliver!

Moving In!

I've been living in East Asia for 3 1/2 weeks now; I find myself saying, "Well there's a new way to do it" atleast once a day! After touring for one week with our 7 teammates, I started teaching my classes last week and at the same time moving in to our (my roommate Brittany and I's) Apt 1103, Building B of faculty housing. 
1st day of School!
 I was stunned by the waves of hospitable Chinese staff who flooded our doors the first week!

I love my students and have had several opportunities to play badmitton, "table tennis", and teach a little basketball (oh yes, with these skills, ha!) I absolutely LOVE Teaching, my classes are long but fun!
Some girls live 6, even 8 to a dorm room!

Communal Living...
                is my new way of life here! My 6 teammates and I, with the help of a British friend teaching at a neighboring college, made Jiaozi (dumplings) this week! Mmm, one of my top favs in Pandaland!

Monday, September 13, 2010

You Know You're in Beijing When...

Bobsledding down
The Great Wall

You know You're in Beijing when...
  • You see Shrimp and Crab Flavored Pringles!
  • You walk outside and think a building is burning in the distance because of the thick smog!
  • There are more KFC's than McDonalds!
  • It costs around $3 for a table of 6 to eat lunch!
  • It takes 2 hours to exchange money at a bank!
  • You almost get CARPETED by 2 mopeds running along each side of you on the curb!
  • You can buy Mango Starfruit Frappucinos at Starbucks and Blueberry Lays Potato Chips!
  • And finally,
                 ........When you go to buy fish at the market, and some of the shrimp are still wiggling!

Also, Our team leaders bought us tickets for a Beijing Acrobatics Show this evening! It was incredible!
Can you hold a perfect handstand for 1 minute?
Try...a ONE-handed Handstand on top a 3 Man Pyramid, while spinning 3 plates on sticks in your other hand UPsIdE Down!!